My Skin






she disrobes






Peeling off



piece by piece






Each garment



of inhumanity 














She lives beneath the surface



waiting to emerge






Allowing timing, good fortune



her lessons to unfold






She awaits the morn,



she extends her feathers proud






Seeing as a first-time traveler,



the beauty of effortless flight






She dons the cloak of mankind






Being what each expects and wants her to be






She unveils, unmasks her trueness to no one






Leaving the kingdoms to the SKY
















My own mortality



has come up behind me






It holds me



with a deadly silence






Mimicking a cartoon



grim reaper






Mortality was a personal



reaction & response






Which never entered



my inner consciousness






Never allowing me to be



fully me






No more do I hide



in ignorance






Mortality has risen






My personal tower collapsed






It now lives,

 of my flesh 

of my breath 

of my being






This dark



dismal creature






Has given me






My own Free Mortal Self