Offended 10 23 2010 




Society's Ignorance 






I went to the post office and a customer got offended when the worker offered stamps which included the Mother Theresa stamp, Mother Theresa was not Catholic.  I was in awe that this customer could be offended by Mother Theresa!  Who gets offended by Mother Theresa?????  This bothers me so terribly.  I am so disgusted that our society is still this ignorant and arrogant.  I do not have a religious affiliation, but I am the most Spiritual person you will ever meet.  We allow ourselves to judge, ridicule, criticize, hurt, bully, and intimidate all in the name of what??  Common decency is just out the window and gone.  We do not have the right to judge one another.  People do things all day long that bother me or that I wouldn't do.  I do not have the right to impose my belief system or even my morals onto someone else.  I may complain to those closest to me, but not impose anything onto someone.  This incident has got me so flustered. 


I pray for the day we come to a point where acceptance of each other is the norm, not the exception.